Ik zelf met parachute TAP.

Ik zelf met parachute TAP.
Foto getrokken in Afrika 1961/62

zaterdag 22 oktober 2016

šŸ˜ Å ie cilvēki gaida, kad varēs ar tevi sarunāties!

Apskati, kas notiek tavā Twoo profilā

Jauni lietotāji
Janine, 23, pievienojās Ŕodien
Sasveicinies - Iet uz profilu
Damaris, 22, pievienojās Ŕodien
Sasveicinies - Iet uz profilu
Vivt, 20, pievienojās Ŕodien
Sasveicinies - Iet uz profilu
Layzayzn, 28, pievienojās Ŕodien
Sasveicinies - Iet uz profilu
Redzi uzreiz, kurÅ” apmeklē tavu profilu, izmantojot Twoo lietojumprogrammu
Iegūsti Twoo lietojumprogrammu
Tu saņēmi Å”o paziņojumu, jo esi reÄ£istrējies kā Etiannie Yenennie (etiannie.yenennie@blogger.com) vietnē Twoo - Atteikties no paziņojumu saņemÅ”anas. Massive Media Match NV, Emile Braunplein 18, 9000 Ghent, Belgium BE0537240636. info-lv@twoo.com

vrijdag 21 oktober 2016

Quicken 2017 v4.2.1 (Mac OS X) Download Free



Quicken 2017 v4.2.1


Quicken 2017 makes managing your money easier than ever. Whether paying bills, enjoying more reliable downloads, or getting expert product help, Quicken's new and improved features will help you save time and get better control of your money. Take the next step toward your financial goals. Save for a house, your kid's education or just pay off debt.

Plan for today and tomorrow
- Import all your bank transactions safely & automatically*
- Automatically categorizes your spending so you can see where your money is going
- See your portfolio performance, make informed buy/sell decisions, and find funds that fit your goals*
- Manage your money whenever, wherever with our mobile app*
- Compare your income and spending year over year with custom reports
- Pay your bills in Quicken
- Now includes Quicken Bill Pay* service for small, regional banks (fees apply)
- Enjoy a new look that's easier to use and navigate
- Get our more powerful mobile app, now with investment tracking, offline use & enhanced search*

Import all your bank transactions safely and automatically*
- No need to jot it all down or save receipts
- Includes transactions from all your different accounts

Maximize your investments
- See how your investments are performing against the market
- Continuously updates quotes to keep your portfolio value current
- Track cost basis, see realized and unrealized gains, and calculate capital gain to make tax time easier

Pay your bills in Quicken
- Now includes Quicken Bill Pay* service for small, regional banks (fees apply)

Manage your money whenever, wherever with our mobile app*
- Our mobile app is available for iPhone, iPad, and Android
- Check your budget, account balances, and investments

What's New in Quicken for Mac 2017?
- Compare your income and spending with prior years with new, customizable reports
- Pay your bills in Quicken with Quicken Bill Pay* (fees apply)
- Get our more powerful mobile app, now with investment tracking, offline use & enhanced search*
- Enjoy a new look that's easier to use and navigate
- Convert from Quicken Windows to Quicken Mac with just one click*

Compatibility: OS X 10.10 or later, 64-bit processor



MacPilot 8.0.8 (Mac OS X) Download Free


MacPilot 8.0.8

MacPilot can enable and disable hidden features in Mac OS X, optimize and repair your system, and perform numerous routine maintenance operations with the click of a button!

Pro user or not, you can now increase computer performance with only a few clicks of the mouse. Optimize your network for broadband connectivity, completely customize Apple File Sharing, perform essential maintenance without having to remember mind boggling acronyms, and much more. However, those are just a few of the many reasons why MacPilot is your choice over Cocktail, TinkerTool and Onyx.

Enable the "cut" option in the Finder, disable menu items for security, disable icon caches, set history limits, erase recently used files, prevent your dock from being modified, turn off all system animations, increase the speed at which windows resize, change which format screenshots are taken in, set a default name and location for screenshots, disable a secondary processor, the startup chime, and even change the login window picture. Over 900 features in total!

Intel, Mac OS X 10.11 or later



Password coz45


v6.0.4 for OS X 10.6+


Password mojado

woensdag 19 oktober 2016

Vēlies uzzināt, kas Å”odien ir tavs SmartMatch? Apskati viņu 24 stundu laikā!

Twoo Etiannie Yenennie

Minaa ir tavs jaunais SmartMatch. Apskati viņas profilu.

Minaa, 26
Žurnāliste meklē darbu
Dzīvo Sanfrancisko, CA
Vēlas iepazÄ«ties ar 40 lÄ«dz 60 gadus veciem vÄ«rieÅ”iem
Izvērtē savu SmartMatch
Tavs SmartMatch beigsies pēc 24 stundām. Izvērtē savu SmartMatch pirms beidzas termiņŔ.
Jauni lietotāji
Sylvia, 35, pievienojās Ŕodien
Sasveicinies - Iet uz profilu
Kayla D, 34, pievienojās Ŕodien
Sasveicinies - Iet uz profilu
Elyssa, 26, pievienojās Ŕodien
Sasveicinies - Iet uz profilu
Saderības jautājumi
Vai jebkad esi bijis precējies/precējusies?
● Jā
● Nē
Tu saņēmi Å”o paziņojumu, jo esi reÄ£istrējies kā Etiannie Yenennie (etiannie.yenennie@blogger.com) vietnē Twoo - Atteikties no paziņojumu saņemÅ”anas. Massive Media Match NV, Emile Braunplein 18, 9000 Ghent, Belgium BE0537240636. info-lv@twoo.com

zondag 16 oktober 2016

šŸ’™ Uzzini vairāk par Jesus, tavu SmartMatch

Twoo Etiannie Yenennie

Jesus ir tavs jaunais SmartMatch. Apskati viņa profilu.

Jesus, 37
Dzīvo Castroville, CA
Vēlas iepazīties ar 25 līdz 41 gadus vecām sievietēm
Izvērtē savu SmartMatch
Tavs SmartMatch beigsies pēc 24 stundām. Izvērtē savu SmartMatch pirms beidzas termiņŔ.
Jauni lietotāji
Donald, 45, pievienojās Ŕodien
Sasveicinies - Iet uz profilu
Jorge, 44, pievienojās Ŕodien
Sasveicinies - Iet uz profilu
Martez, 22, pievienojās Ŕodien
Sasveicinies - Iet uz profilu
Saderības jautājumi
Vai ir pieņemami vÄ«rieÅ”iem lietot dekoratÄ«vo kosmētiku?
● Jā
● Nē
Tu saņēmi Å”o paziņojumu, jo esi reÄ£istrējies kā Etiannie Yenennie (etiannie.yenennie@blogger.com) vietnē Twoo - Atteikties no paziņojumu saņemÅ”anas. Massive Media Match NV, Emile Braunplein 18, 9000 Ghent, Belgium BE0537240636. info-lv@twoo.com